Saturday, 30th August 2024, marks another milestone in the life of one of God’s Generals of the End Time, as Bishop T.A. Emmanuel celebrates the anniversary of his calling into the ministry of God in Lagos.
It was a moment of joy and celebration into the faithfulness of God as Bishop Emmanuel marked his 37th anniversary when the Lord called him into His vineyard which gave birth to the Blood of Jesus Ministry International (BJMI).
Joined in the Glorious Anniversary Thanksgiving service by members of the Blood of Jesus Ministry International, some servants of God and children of God from far and near, Bishop Emmanuel shared his life experience to show how God has been so faithful to the calling in his life.

Speaking on the theme of the anniversary “New Song and New Level”, Bishop Emmanuel noted that the troubled period Nigeria is passing through today is not peculiar to the country alone, but a global phenomenon that God permits to draw people closer to Him.
“It’s unfortunate that technology has taken up the position of God in people’s lives, but no matter how intelligent or knowledgeable someone might be, nobody can Google God. It is indeed more saddened that the church and men of God are not exempted. People no longer serve God sacrificially, rebellioness has taken over the church. We cannot differentiate between the world and the church again,” Bishop Emmanuel said.

According to him, the fashionable thing in the world today is that any man of God who cannot showcase wealth is seen as not possessing anointing. Sadly, the order has changed. Siren and other worldly fashion are what announced anointing in the church today.

The man of God warned the congregation listening to him that “the time is running fast; you should get closer to your creator now. People are looking for what they want to hear not what God wants to tell them. God said we have wearied Him with our sins. You better surrender to Christ today, while those who have surrendered should rededicate themselves to Him.”
The climax of the thanksgiving service was the ordination of Olufemi Benny as Pastor of the Blood of Jesus Ministry International.

Bishop Emmanuel recalled how the newly ordained Pastor Olufemi Benny has been a dedicated and faithful servant in the vineyard, who has been dutiful in winning souls to the church.
Joined by the other ministers of God such as Apostle C.O. Odunjo, Pastor (Dr.) Adeboye Jojolade, Pastor and Pastor (Mrs.) Amayo, Rev. Oladebo, Rev (Mes.) Solomon, Supol/Pastor Ada, Pastor Chris, Pastor Olayinka and Pastor Lucky Ilalokoin, Pastor Olufemi Benny was anointed and presented with the certificate of his new office and calling amid celebration by the entire congregation.