The Director General of Lagos State Sports Commission, Lekan Fatodu, has said the state as a sports hub will not relent in its efforts in contributing to the knowledge of Games Masters/Mistresses and Physical Education teachers in order to promote a sustainable and effective sports development at the grassroots level.
The three-day clinic named “Train the Trainer” was designed by the Lagos State Sports Commission to train Physical Education teachers on the fundamentals of cricket, other basic techniques they need to be acquainted with as the first point of contact to the students.
Speaking eloquently while watching the practice game of the Games Masters/Mistresses, Lekan Fatodu described the initiative as a developmental processes in contributing to the sustainable growth of sports at the school level.

He stated, “what we are trying to do is the need and necessity to improve to hone the skills of our experts, particularly in schools. Right now, we are very focus about developing sports not just from the grassroots: we are going back to school”.
“We are pooling Games Masters/Mistresses together in a refresher course in different sporting areas.We are doing the clinic in around cricket, so that we can be able to improve their skills and have better understanding of youths development and trends in sports”, said Fatodu DG LSSC.
Speaking further, Fatodu explained that the state will continue to subscribe to many initiatives on the back of the game while encouraging the participants to take the lessons learnt seriously in order to teach their students on the values associated with cricket
The clinic began on the 31st of October, and ended yesterday, 2nd November, 2024, at the University of Lagos Cricket Oval, Akoka, Lagos, where over 30 Games Masters/Mistresses from different schools were took on the rudiments of cricket: to inculcate the right values into the students through the instrumentality of sports and continues on the momentum of school sports development.