Dolapo Aimanoshi Tolulope Oshikokhai, who is popularly called TD Balsam, is a zealous star actress who does not need to go through the ritual of self-introduction when she meets a stranger. She is jovial and unassuming movie star. She has successfully etched her name in the minds of movie lovers with her role in the movie “The path”. Gifted with skill to interpret roles and make the character essence believable, the sultry fashion freak, model, actress and radio presenter, who hails from Akoko Edo in Edo State, south-south Nigeria spoke with journalists during a red-carpet events in Lagos. The Akoko-Edo born star actress who wears the look of a sea goddess with her drop-dead physique that could raise the blood pressure of any man, revealed how she found her feet in the entertainment industry and journalism.
Who is TD Balsam?
TD Balsam is your next-door neighbour, she is Tolulope Dolapo Aimanoshi Oshikokhai, a graduate of the University of Ilorin, Kwara State. She is a model, actress, a radio presenter, voice over artist, red-carpet host and an health personnel. She is from Okpe kingdom in Akoko-Edo local government area of Edo State, and the only daughter of Ayodele Oshikokhai.
How was your growing up and what inspired you into the entertainment industry?
My growing up was fun. I grew up under the disciplinary orbits of my parents. My mother was a teacher while my daddy a journalist. Being the only female child amongst three boys, I was able to work myself stubbornly into the heart of my father who would always welcome my closeness to him whenever he returns from his journalistic journey. Sometimes, I would be asking my dad some questions on the stories he used to write in the newspaper. My mother would always tell me, Aima leave your dad alone and let him rest. I have always subjected my dad into questioning on many stories that carried his bylines. In fact, I was an inquisitive child.
Be sure I would be with my daddy in his study asking him questions on the story he wrote. Once my dad is not around, I feel empty, I always take over the duty of preparing food for the family along with my late mum. My dad is a disciplinarian, and unpredictable being. He could swing a surprise at will. The beauty of it all is that, he is kind and loving. He could even lay his life down to see his children going to the university. I was lucky to have attended one of the best schools in Lagos i.e. Normal children nursery, primary& secondary school along with my two elder brothers as well as my immediate younger brother Oladapo.

How close was your daddy to your mummy?
My father was very close to my mother to the extent that we were calling them Romeo and Juliet. In fact, we the children had started emulating the love that was existing between them before my mother suddenly died of cardiac arrest about 10 years ago.
In all of this, what influenced your going into broadcasting journalism?
I took after my daddy. A lion will always give birth to a lion and not on the other way round. Sometimes, I watch my father speaking and his style of writing also influenced my decision to go into broadcast journalism and the movie industry, while am in broadcast journalism, my dad is in the print media. Today I have worked in over three radio stations and television stations as a presenter and content creator both in Ilorin and Lagos.
I realized that I have continued to blaze the trail in term of achievement, recognition and acceptance of my programme by the public. Good enough, I was recently nominated as the OAP of the year (On Air Personality). The beauty of it all is that I love what I am doing and passionate about it, not for the love of money or fame but for the happiness it brings to my heart.

Any regret in life?
My only regret in life was when I lost my mother 10 years ago. I saw the whole world collapsing on my feet like a pack of card. The saving grace was that i still have my father who became both a father and mother to me and my siblings behind me. All the same, I would have loved my mother to see what I am doing today. I would have wanted her to see what I am in realization of her dream.
What can you say is the happiest day in your life?
I think I have series of happy days in my life. One of the happiest days in my life was when I gained admission into the University of Ilorin. I started writing JAMB in 2013, it is either I did not gain admission that year or they gave me wrong course, so, when I eventually gained admission into the university I was very happy. I made a vow that when I gained admission into the university I will pierce my nose, of course I still pierce it till date.
The second happiest day in my life was when my dad celebrated his 62nd birthday this year. I realised that he was not happy after my mum’s death. Anytime his birthday comes up, he would say, “There is nothing to celebrate about”. It was really a low time for us, especially Daddy who was so devastated about her death. This year birthday was the first birthday he was so excited about, I and my siblings decided to surprise him, we baked cake, cook and did a small surprise party for him. I noticed on his face a priceless, and overwhelming smile for the first time. I was able to break the Jinx that” I do not want to celebrate my birthday”.
What is your greatest fear in life?
My greatest fear in life is failure. I grew up with love and comfortability. We were comfortable to the extend that my father make sure he provides for us and my mother gives him support. I am scared of failure because I feel I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders and there are lot of people looking up to me. I am so scared to disappoint my family, I am so scared to fail, so scare to fall and so scared to disappoint my loved ones and fans.
If given another opportunity to come back into this world, would you still choose the same parents?
Wonderful question, if I had the same opportunity to come back into this world a thousand times, I would still choose Bola and Ayodele as my parents. They are wonderful beings everyone should wish for.
How true is the assertion that you are tough, ruthless and unpredictable?
You may not be far from the truth because I hate injustice with passion. I am unpredictable. Once I am right, I do not care about anything that may later happen. Funny enough, those who has taken my gentility for granted has seen the other side of me.
What is your take on lesbianism and gay marriage?
This is a very funny question. I am a free thinker, and like I said earlier I’m open minded and I’m not homophobic. I feel people should be entitled to their sexuality no matter what. In fact, I’m doing a research on queers to understand their sexuality and their genetic makeup.
I feel it is selfish for people to dictate who you like sexually and physically. If your preference is same sex, in my candid opinion, go ahead inasmuch as you are not hurting anyone.
Do you know that God is strongly against it?
Yes, I Know you will say God created a man for a woman and a woman for a man, that It is against the natural law of nature for a man to marry a man and a woman to marry a woman. Though I may be an iconoclast on this but that does not change my perception.
Are you in any relationship right now
Yes. I am married to Abiodun Emmanuel. The marriage held on Saturday 8 April in Lagos