As the 2025 opening ceremony of Gombe Inter Secondary Athletic championship holds Tuesday morning at the Patanmi Stadium, Gombe, the organisers have screened 1,118 athletes that would compete in various tracks and fields events.
Participants are expected to involve in events such as 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, 3000m, 4x100m and 4×400.
Other events are shot put, Long jump, High jump,Triple jump and Javelin.
Some athletes were screened out following the inability to meet the requirements of the event.
The technical committee in its final report released this evening confirmed that 1,118 athletes will be in action in the next five days.
A member of Technical Committee,Simon Ayuba confirmed a total of 31 schools were fully registered and documented.
He however said the documentation, accreditation and physical screening were thoroughly successful and commended the committee for the job well done.